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Flamenco sin Fronteras

Trad. Arr. P Peña, P Arriaga, R Montilla
Essential flamenco

Culo e Puya
Trad. Afro-Venezuelan folklore

Joropo Oriental   El Cruzao  |  Jaleos
Comp. R Sandoval  |  Trad. Arr. P Peña,
P Arriaga, R Montilla
Bridging musical traditions

Pregones Zulianos  |  Farruca
Comp. R Rincón Gonzalez   |  
Trad. Arr. P Arriaga
The haunting quality of this Venezuelan dance offers a striking contrast to the strong character of the dance and music  of the farruca

Gaita de Tambora  |  Tangos
Trad, Arr. C Tález   |  Trad. Arr. P Peña,
P Arriaga
Two musical cultures from very distant geographical areas blend miraculously in natural harmony

Waltz for Sony  |  Alegrías
Comp. T Thielemans   |  Trad. Arr. P Peña
Venezuelan melodies interpreted in the form of a true flamenco style

This fulía, bounced from an old recording kindly lent to us by the ‘Morella Muñoz Foundation’, in Caracas, we bring back and celebrate the  voice of this unforgettable diva of Venezuelan song

Sirena  |  Tientos
Trad, Arr. C Tález   |  Trad. Arr. P Peña,
P Arriaga, R Montilla
The compelling mood of the sirena song inspires the measured and sensual quality of the tientos

Galerón  |  Guajira
Trad, Arr. R Sandoval   |  Trad. Arr. P Peña
This track represents the direct combination of a beautiful Venezuelan song with another, equally expressive, from the flamenco chapter known as ‘Songs of Departure and Return’

Serenata Venezolana
Andreina  |  Vals Venezolano  |  Como Llora una Estrella  |  Natalia
Comp. A Lauro  |  Comp. R Borges  |  Comp. A Carrillo  |  Comp. A Lauro
A tribute to a great popular tradition,  embodied in the music of warmly loved Venezuelan icons such as Maestros Antonio Lauro and Raúl Borges among others

Trad. Arr. D AlvarezCajón solo, showing the expressive power and versitility of this iconic Peruvian instrument

Flor de Mayo  |  Martinete  |  Seguiriya  |  Tambor de Aragua
Comp. O Galindez Gutierrez  |  Trad. Arr. D Alvarez  |  Trad.  Arr. P Peña, P Arriaga  |  Trad. Arr. D Alvarez
In this final track, Spanish and Venezuelan musical traditions truly come together

Hemiola PPP 2011
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